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Boletim G20
Boletim G20 - English
Boletim G20 - Español
Boletim G20 - Guarani
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Boletim MEC
Boletim Povos Indígenas
Boletim Sintonia
Brasil Contra Fake
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Direto do Planalto
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Minuto Ciência
Minuto IBGE
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Notícias da Gestão
Boletim de Notícias do MIR - Ministério da Igualdade Racial
Planejamento em Pauta
Som da Indústria
Unemployment and inequalities are challenges for G20 countries in 2024
In projections for 2024, the report from the International Labour Organization forecasts a forthcoming escalation in the global unemployment rate, concomitant with a rise in inequality. The G20 Employment Working Group has advanced proposals aimed at tackling this challenging scenario. Stay tuned to learn more!
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